Impossible Royal DecreeThe Royal Order【電子書籍】[ Monday Jonas-Mbagwu ]

Impossible Royal DecreeThe Royal Order【電子書籍】[ Monday Jonas-Mbagwu ]

<p>This book is about mosquitoes and the nefarious activities that resulted to malaria and death. A king makes a decree in order to prohibit noise making in his kingdom. He sends out his soldiers to arrest anyone caught in the act of making noise. The soldiers make some arrests, and they were all arraigned in the palace court. At the end, mosquitoes are linked to the original cause of the noise making. The king arraigns mosquitoes and sentences them to death. In a bid to kill mosquitoes with a sledgehammer, the king does more havoc of destruction in his palace. World bodies are invited to educate the people on best ways to eradicate mosquitoes and malaria.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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